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(State Administration of Taxation: 28 December 1993 Guo Shui Fa(1993) No. 156)

Whole Doc.
To tax bureaus of various provinces, autonomous regions and
municipalities, to tax bureaus of various cities with separate planning,
and to tax bureaus of Harbin, Changchun, Shenyang, Xian, Chengdu, Nanjing,
Wuhan and Guangzhou:
The Stipulations on Some Specific Issues Concerning Consumption Tax
are hereby printed and issued to you. You are expected to put them into

(State Administration of Taxation: 28 December 1993)
I. Questions concerning the standard for classification of cigarettes
for computation of tax.
1. Due to the release from the control of cigarettes selling price,
prices of cigarettes sold by taxpayers fluctuate frequently. The tax
classification and the applicable tax rates shall be determined in
accordance with the monthly weighted average selling price for the
cigarettes of the same brand and specification. However, the cigarettes
sold shall not be calculated under the weighted average method under
anyone of the following circumstances:
(a) the selling price is obviously below average and without proper
(b) there is no selling price.
In practice, at the beginning of the month, advance payment of tax
can be made according to the tax classification and applicable tax rate of
the previous month or the most recent month from the month of sale. After
the end of the month, taxpayers shall base on the actual selling price to
determine the tax classification and the applicable tax rate and calculate
the tax pay able for the month.
2. When the price of cigarettes has been raised due to addition of
filter tips, change of package or other reasons, the tax classification
and applicable tax rates shall be determined according to the new selling
3. For cigarettes self-produced and self-used by same taxpayers, the
tax classification and the applicable rates shall be determined in
accordance with the selling price of cigarettes in the same brand and
specification. when there is no selling price for cigarettes with the same
brand and specification, they shall all be taxed according to the tax rate
of Grade A cigarettes.
4. Contract processed cigarettes shall be taxed in accordance with
the tax classification and applicable tax rates of cigarettes with the
same brand and specification of the contractor. If no cigarette is with
the same brand and specification, they shall all be taxed according to the
tax rate for Grade A cigarettes.
5. The applicable tax rate for defective or inferior cigarettes shall
be determined in accordance with the tax classification of cigarettes of
standard quality with the same brand and specification.
6. The following cigarettes, irrespective of their tax classification
shall all be taxed at the rate of Grade A cigarettes:
(a) Imported cigarettes;
(b) Unmarked cigarettes;
(c) Hand-made cigarettes;
(d) Cigarettes produced by enterprises and individuals not approved
by the State Council as under state plan.
The list for enterprises producing cigarettes under State plan is
7. Any adjustment to the standard for classification of cigarettes
for computation of tax shall be determined by the State Administration for
II. Questions concerning the scope of charge for alcoholic drinks.
1. The applicable tax rate for outside purchased white spirits made
with alcohol shall be determined in accordance with the raw material
contained in the alcohol. When the raw material used in the alcohol
cannot be determined, the white spirits shall be taxed at the rate for
white spirits shall be taxed at the rate for white spirits made from
2. For outside purchased white spirits made from more than two kinds
of alcohol, the tax rate used shall be the highest tax rate of the
3. For white spirits produced by and adding liquid to reduce the
degree of alcohol for outside purchased white spirits, or outside bottling
purchased spirits in bulk for sale, or using leaven and essence to scent
or flavour the outside purchased white spirits, the applicable tax rate
shall be determined in accordance with the outside purchased materials
used in the white spirits. When the materials used in the white spirits
cannot be determined, all the above shall be taxed according to the tax
rate of white spirits made from cereal.
4. White spirits made by blending different types of outside
purchased white spirits shall all be taxed according to the tax rate of
white spirits made from cereal.
5. White spirits made by mixing many kinds of raw materials including
cereal, potatoes, bran, etc. shall all be taxed according to the tax rate
for white spirits made from cereal.
6. White spirits made by mixing materials other than potatoes and
cereal shall all be taxed according to the tax rate of white spirits made
from potatoes.
III. Questions concerning the basis for computation of tax
1. For taxpayers selling Grade A cigarettes and white spirits made
from cereal, if the assessable value is remarkably lower than the market
retail price at the place of production, the competent tax authorities
shall report level by level up to the State Administration for Taxation
for determination on the assessable value and calculate the tax in
accordance with the assessable value determined by the State
Administration for Taxation.
The method for determining the assessable value for Grade A
cigarettes and white spirits made from cereal shall be stipulated under
separate provisions.
2. In accordance with the provisions of Article 17 of the Rules and Regulations for the Implementation of the Provisional
Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Consumption Tax>, the
national average cost-plus margin rate of taxable consumer goods are
stipulated as follows:
(a) Grade A cigarettes 10%
(b) Grade B cigarettes 5%
(c) Cigars 5%
(d) Cut tobacco 5%
(e) White spirits made from cereal 10%
(f) White spirits made from potatoes 5%
(g) Other alcoholic drinks 5%
(h) Alcohol 5%
(i) Cosmetics 5%
(j) Skin-care and hair-care products 5%
(k) Firecrackers and fireworks 5%
(l) Precious jewelry and precious jade and stones 6%
(m) Motor Vehicle tyres 5%
(n) Motorcycles 6%
(o) Motor cars 8%
(p) Cross-country vehicles 6%
(q) Minibuses and vans 5%
3. For the following taxable consumer goods, the assessable values
for computation of consumption Tax may be the remainder amount after the
sale amount is deducted by the purchase price of outside purchased
after-tax consumer goods:
(a) Cigarettes made from outside purchased after-tax cut tobacco;
(b) Alcoholic drinks produced from outside purchased after-tax
alcoholic drinks and alcohol (including adding liquid to reduce the degree
of alcohol for outside purchased after-tax white spirits, blending
different types of outside purchased after-tax white spirits, using leaven
and essence to scent or flavour the outside purchased after-tax white
spirits and bottling outside purchased after-tax white spirits in bulk,
(c) Cosmetics made from outside purchased after-tax cosmetics;
(d) Skin-care and hair-care products made from outside purchased
after-tax skin- care and hair care products;
(e) Precious jewelry and precious jade and stones made from outside
purchased after-tax precious jade and stones;
(f) Firecrackers and fireworks made from outside purchased after-tax
firecrackers and fireworks.
The purchase price of outside purchased after-tax consumer goods
refers to the selling price indicated on the purchase invoice (excluding
the amount of Value-added Tax).
4. Consumption Tax already paid on the materials of the following
taxable consumer goods is allowed to be deducted from the Consumption Tax
(a) Cigarettes received back from the contractor for processing using
after-tax cut tobacco as raw materials;
(b) Alcoholic drinks received back from the contractor for processing
using after-tax alcoholic drinks and alcohol as raw materials;
(c) Cosmetics received back from the contractor for processing using
after-tax cosmetics as raw materials;
(d) Skin-care and hair-care products received back from the
contractor for processing using after-tax skin-care and hair-care products
as raw materials;
(e) Precious jewelry and precious jade and stones received back from
the contractor for processing using after-tax precious jade and stones as
raw materials;
(f) Firecrackers and fireworks received back from the contractor for
processing using after-tax firecrackers and fireworks as raw materials.
the Consumption Tax paid refers to Consumption Tax withheld and paid on
behalf of the principal by the contractor for the taxable consumer goods
contracted for processing.
5. Taxpayers selling self-produced taxable consumer goods through
self-established and non-independently accounted sales counter shall be
subject to Consumption Tax according to the sales amount or sales volume
of the counter sales to outsider.
6. Consumption Tax of taxable consumer goods which the taxpayers use
to exchange for production information, consumption information, making
investment, offsetting debts, etc. shall be computed using the highest
selling price of similar taxable consumer goods of the taxpayer as the
basis of tax assessment.
IV. Questions concerning the place for paying tax
According to the provisions of Article 25 of the Regulations For the Implementation of Provisional Regulations of the
People's Republic of China on Consumption Tax>, if the tax payment is
consolidated and to be made at the location of the head office when the
head office and the branch office are not located in the same province
(autonomous region or municipality), approval from the State
Administration for Taxation is required; if the payment is consolidated
and to be made at the location of the head office when the head office and
the branch office are located in the same province (autonomous region or
municipality) but not in the same county (or city), approval from the
relevant Tax Bureau under the State Administration for Taxation is
V. Questions concerning the filling and payment of tax
The local competent tax authorities shall determined, depending on
the circumstances, one of the following methods for filling and payment of
tax for the taxpayer:
1. The taxpayer shall complete the tax return forms regularly and
file to the tax authorities, and complete a tax payment certificate and
pay the tax to the local bank which acts as the agent for the treasury.
2. The taxpayer shall complete the tax return forms regularly and
file to the tax authorities and pay the tax regularly to the tax
authorities which would issue the payment certificate upon examination and
approval of the from.
3. With regard to small business and units whose accounting system is
not sound, tax authorities shall determine the tax payable quarterly or
annually in accordance with their production and sales conditions and the
tax is to be paid monthly.
VI. These provisions shall come into effect from January 1, 1994.
Beijing Cigarette Factory
Tianjin Cigarette Factory
Shijiazhuang Cigarette Factory
Baoding Cigarette Factory
Zhangjiakou Cigarette Factory
Taiyuan Cigarette Factory
Quwo Cigarette Factory
Huhhot Cigarette Factory
Shenyang Cigarette Factory
Yingkou Cigarette Factory
Jingzhou Cigarette Factory
Xiuyan Cigarette Factory
Changchun Cigarette Factory
Siping Cigarette Factory
Yanji Cigarette Factory
Harbin Cigarette Factory
Suihua Cigarette Factory
Fujing Cigarette Factory
Luohe Cigarette Factory
Anyang Cigarette Factory
Xinxiang Cigarette Factory
Kaifeng Cigarette Factory
Shangqiu Cigarette Factory
Luoyang Cigarette Factory
Nanyang Cigarette Factory
Zhengzhou Cigarette Factory
Huaibing Cigarette Factory
Ruzhou Cigarette Factory
Jiangshan Cigarette Factory
Cheng Cigarette Factory
Wuyue Cigarette Factory
Xiangfan Cigarette Factory
Zaoyang Cigarette Factory
Guangshui Cigarette Factory
Hongan Cigarette Factory
Dangyang Cigarette Factory
Lichuan Cigarette Factory
Chongqing Cigarette Factory
Guiyang Cigarette Factory
Zunyi Cigarette Factory
Guiding Cigarette Factory
Bijie Cigarette Factory
Qingsong Cigarette Factory
Huangping Cigarette Factory
Tongren Cigarette Factory
Guiding Branch of Guiding Cigarette Factory
Kunming Cigarette Factory
Yuxi Cigarette Factory
Qujing Cigarette Factory
Zhaotong Cigarette Factory
Chuxiong Cigarette Factory
Dali Cigarette Factory
Honghe Cigarette Factory
Huize Cigarette Factory
Suijiang Cigarette Factory
Baoji Cigarette Factory
Hailin Cigarette Factory
Linkou Cigarette Factory
Muleng Cigarette Factory
Shanghai Cigarette Factory
Nanjing Cigarette Factory
Xuzhou Cigarette Factory
HuaiYin Cigarette Factory
Hangzhou Cigarette Factory
Ningbo Cigarette Factory
Jiaxing Cigarette Factory
Hefei Cigarette Factory
Bangbu Cigarette Factory
Wuhu Cigarette Factory
Fuyang Cigarette Factory
Chuzhou Cigarette Factory
Haozhou Cigarette Factory
Dangshan Cigarette Factory
Mengcheng Cigarette Factory
Xiamen Cigarette Factory
Longyan Cigarette Factory
Laifeng Cigarette Factory
Sanxia Cigarette Factory
Jiangling Cigarette Factory
Jianshi Cigarette Factory
Xianning branch of Wuhan Cigarette Factory
Changsha Cigarette Factory
Changde Cigarette Factory
Chenzhou Cigarette Factory
Lingling Cigarette Factory
Longshan Cigarette Factory
Xinhuang Cigarette Factory
Qidong Cigarette Factory
Xinshao Cigarette Factory
Fenghuang Cigar Factory
Guangzhou No. 1 Cigarette Factory
Guangzhou No. 2 Cigarette Factory
Shaoguang Cigarette Factory
Meizhou Cigarette Factory
Zhanjiang Cigarette Factory
Shenzhen Cigarette Factory
Yan'an Cigarette Factory
Xianyang Cigarette Factory
Chengcheng Cigarette Factory
Xunyang Cigarette Factory
No. 1 Branch of Hanzhong Cigarette Factory
Lanzhou Cigarette Factory
Tianshui Cigarette Factory
Qingyang Cigarette Factory
Heshui Cigarette Factory
Wuzhong Cigarette Factory
Ledu Cigarette Factory
Xinjiang Cigarette Factory
Kunming Branch of Kunming Cigarette Factory
Sunwu Cigarette Factory
Yongding Branch of Longyan Cigarette Factory
Guangfeng Cigarette Factory
Jinggangshan Cigarette Factory
Xinguo Branch of Gannan Cigarette Factory
Zhoukou Cigarette Branch of Dancheng Cigar Factory
Yunzian Cigarette Factory
Sheshan Cigarette Factory
Quanzhou Cigarette Factory
China American Cigarette Co. Ltd.
Nanchang Cigarette Factory
Guannan Cigarette Factory
Jinan Cigarette Factory
Qingdao Cigarette Factory
Qingzhou Cigarette Factory
Dezhou Cigarette Factory
Heze Cigarette Factory
Yantai Cigarette Factory
Tunzhou Cigarette Factory
Linqing Cigarette Factory
Yishui Cigarette Factory
Yanzhou Cigarette Factory
Shandong-Rothmans Tobacco Co. Ltd.
Zhengzhou Cigarette Factory
Nanxiong Cigarette Factory
Nanhai Cigarette Factory
Nanning Cigarette Factory
Liuzhou Cigarette Factory
Yulin Cigarette Factory
Wuming Cigarette Factory
Zhongshan Cigarette Factory
Yulin Branch of Yulin Cigarette Factory
Fuchuan Branch of Zhongshan Cigarette Factory
Hainan Cigarette Factory
Chengdu Cigarette Factory
Sichuan Cigarette Factory
Shifang Cigarette Factory
Mianyang Cigarette Factory
Xichang Cigarette Factory
Fuling Cigarette Factory
Jinjiang Cigarette Factory
Wushan Cigarette Factory
Zhongshan Cigarette Factory
Xianfeng Cigarette Factory
Dawu Cigarette Factory
Xunyang Cigarette Factory
Chang Yang Branch of Dangyang Cigarette Factory

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北京市政府 国家计委

市政府 国家计委

第一条 为加快北京市基础设施建设,适应首都发展和人民生活需要,特制定本规定。
第二条 凡在北京市规划市区内兴建民用、工业建筑工程,并接用城市统一“四源”设施的单位(以下简称建设单位),应当依照本规定,缴纳城市基础设施“四源”建设费.
第三条 非住宅建设项目按批准的初步设计用量一次性计收,自来水厂建设费按日用量每吨八百三十元,煤气厂建设费按日用气量每立方米六百元,供热厂建设费按每小时供热量每百万大卡三十五万元,污水处理厂建设费按日排污水量每吨八百元。
第五条 征收的“四源”建设费,由北京市计划部门统一安排用于自来水厂、煤气厂、供热厂和污水处理厂的建设,专款专用,不得挪用。
第六条 建设单位缴纳“四源”建设费后,北京市有关市政部门应当在项目竣工时根据交费范围和协议提供相应的“四源”设施,但从城市市政干管接到建筑工程的支管仍由建设单位投资建设。
第七条 非指定收费单位擅自收取“四源”建设费的,建设单位有权拒绝缴纳,并应当及时向市政主管部门报告;已经非法收取的,除令其退还所收款项外,北京市人民政府应当对直接责任人处以罚款或给予行政处分。
第八条 按本规定应当缴纳“四源”建设费而拒缴或者欠缴的,不予接用相应的“四源”设施。
第九条 本规定自一九八六年十月一日起生效。





  第一条 为加强水利工程质量检测管理,规范水利工程质量检测行为,根据《建设工程质量管理条例》、《国务院对确需保留的行政审批项目设定行政许可的决定》,制定本规定。
  第二条 从事水利工程质量检测活动以及对水利工程质量检测实施监督管理,适用本规定。
  第三条 检测单位应当按照本规定取得资质,并在资质等级许可的范围内承担质量检测业务。
  第四条 从事水利工程质量检测的专业技术人员(以下简称检测人员),应当具备相应的质量检测知识和能力,并按照国家职业资格管理或者行业自律管理的规定取得从业资格。
  第五条 水利部负责审批检测单位甲级资质;省、自治区、直辖市人民政府水行政主管部门负责审批检测单位乙级资质。
  第六条 检测单位应当向审批机关提交下列申请材料:
  第七条 审批机关收到检测单位的申请材料后,应当依法作出是否受理的决定,并向检测单位出具书面凭证;申请材料不齐全或者不符合法定形式的,应当在5日内一次告知检测单位需要补正的全部内容。
  第八条 审批机关在作出决定前,应当组织对申请材料进行评审,必要时可以组织专家进行现场评审,并将评审结果公示,公示时间不少于7日。
  第九条 《资质等级证书》有效期为3年。有效期届满,需要延续的,检测单位应当在有效期届满30日前,向原审批机关提出申请。原审批机关应当在有效期届满前作出是否延续的决定。
  第十条 检测单位变更名称、地址、法定代表人、技术负责人的,应当自发生变更之日起60日内到原审批机关办理资质等级证书变更手续。
  第十一条 检测单位发生分立的,应当按照本规定重新申请资质等级。
  第十二条 任何单位和个人不得涂改、倒卖、出租、出借或者以其他形式非法转让《资质等级证书》。
  第十三条 检测单位应当建立健全质量保证体系,采用先进、实用的检测设备和工艺,完善检测手段,提高检测人员的技术水平,确保质量检测工作的科学、准确和公正。
  第十四条 检测单位不得转包质量检测业务;未经委托方同意,不得分包质量检测业务。
  第十五条 检测单位应当按照国家和行业标准开展质量检测活动;没有国家和行业标准的,由检测单位提出方案,经委托方确认后实施。
  第十六条 质量检测试样的取样应当严格执行国家和行业标准以及有关规定。
  第十七条 检测单位应当按照合同和有关标准及时、准确地向委托方提交质量检测报告并对质量检测报告负责。
  第十八条 检测单位应当将存在工程安全问题、可能形成质量隐患或者影响工程正常运行的检测结果以及检测过程中发现的项目法人(建设单位)、勘测设计单位、施工单位、监理单位违反法律、法规和强制性标准的情况,及时报告委托方和具有管辖权的水行政主管部门或者流域管理机构。
  第十九条 检测单位应当建立档案管理制度。检测合同、委托单、原始记录、质量检测报告应当按年度统一编号,编号应当连续,不得随意抽撤、涂改。
  第二十条 检测人员应当按照法律、法规和标准开展质量检测工作,并对质量检测结果负责。
  第二十一条 县级以上人民政府水行政主管部门应当加强对检测单位及其质量检测活动的监督检查,主要检查下列内容:
  第二十二条 县级以上人民政府水行政主管部门和流域管理机构实施监督检查时,有权采取下列措施:
  第二十三条 县级以上人民政府水行政主管部门和流域管理机构在监督检查中,可以根据需要对有关试样和检测资料采取抽样取证的方法;在证据可能灭失或者以后难以取得的情况下,经负责人批准,可以先行登记保存,并在5日内作出处理,在此期间,当事人和其他有关人员不得销毁或者转移试样和检测资料。
  第二十四条 违反本规定,未取得相应的资质,擅自承担检测业务的,其检测报告无效,由县级以上人民政府水行政主管部门责令改正,可并处1万元以上3万元以下的罚款。
  第二十五条 隐瞒有关情况或者提供虚假材料申请资质的,审批机关不予受理或者不予批准,并给予警告,一年之内不得再次申请资质。
  第二十六条 以欺骗、贿赂等不正当手段取得《资质等级证书》的,由审批机关予以撤销,3年内不得再次申请,可并处1万元以上3万元以下的罚款;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。
  第二十七条 检测单位违反本规定,有下列行为之一的,由县级以上人民政府水行政主管部门责令改正,有违法所得的,没收违法所得,可并处1万元以上3万元以下的罚款;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任:
  第二十八条 检测单位伪造检测数据,出具虚假质量检测报告的,由县级以上人民政府水行政主管部门给予警告,并处3万元罚款;给他人造成损失的,依法承担赔偿责任;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。
  第二十九条 违反本规定,委托方有下列行为之一的,由县级以上人民政府水行政主管部门责令改正,可并处1万元以上3万元以下的罚款:
  第三十条 检测人员从事质量检测活动中,有下列行为之一的,由县级以上人民政府水行政主管部门责令改正,给予警告,可并处1千元以下罚款:
  第三十一条 县级以上人民政府水行政主管部门、流域管理机构及其工作人员,有下列行为之一的,由其上级行政机关或者监察机关责令改正;情节严重的,对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员依法给予行政处分;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任:
  第三十二条 本规定自2009年1月1日起施行。2000年《水利工程质量检测管理规定》(水建管〔2000〕2号)同时废止。

